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Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Leveraging unparalleled industry insight, we specialize in delivering strategic talent solutions that are precisely tailored to the unique demands of the sectors we serve.

1. Structure, business and supply chain

International Hospitality Recruitment Ltd (IHR) is unique recruiter based in the UK. trading under Galen the company specialize in medical recruitment. Hospitality and Catering Industry based recruitment solutions are delivered under International Hospitality Recruitment.

We are serious about our brand because it is part of our identity and so is our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We believe transparency is the best way we can ensure the public that we are doing our best as an ethical corporate citizen. In that spirit we are in compliance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, in which we explain how slavery and human trafficking can affect our business and the steps we are taking in the fight against it. This statement is intended to fulfil the legal requirement for slavery and human trafficking statement on behalf of the IHR. Our efforts against slavery and human trafficking complement our broader Ethical Trading Initiative.

IHR provide services to the UK based organizations, Benelux and DACH regions representing candidates from around the world.

Even though we are not required to produce a slavery and human trafficking policy we do intend to contribute even in the smallest way towards prevention of modern day slavery and human trafficking

2. Slavery and human trafficking policies

Notably, we developed our Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, which can be found within our IHR Policies. We also updated our Supplier Code of Conduct. It sets out clear objectives for 1, 3 and 5 year slavery and human trafficking plans around the following themes:

Relationships: Strengthening our candidate and client engagement process

Feedback: Establishing grievance mechanisms and channels for individual worker feedback

Knowledge: Improving our knowledge base by collecting relevant data and improving traceability Third party engagement: Building strategic alliances with independent social auditors.

Measurable change: Developing verifiable KPIs to measure progress

Supplier collaboration: Encouraging suppliers to collaborate to address slavery and human trafficking issues

Reason: Developing mechanisms to motivate employees, clients and suppliers to address slavery and human trafficking and improve labour standards

Accountability: Establishing a framework for organization accountability to allow for raising issues, making suggestions, voicing grievances and reporting slavery and human trafficking

5. Key performance indicators

In order to assess the effectiveness of our modern slavery measures we will be reviewing the following key performance indicators:


  • Staff training levels

  • Number of slavery incidents reported

4. Identifying, assessing and managing risk

We set out to identify the extent of any slavery and human trafficking in our service supply chains by:


  • Interviewing potential candidates who seek employment and candidates placed with our clients to discuss their conditions and their rights

  • Collaborating with our clients to develop an improvement plan to address new and previously identified slavery and human trafficking issues

  • Instituting an annual review questionnaire for existing suppliers and clients to understand suppliers’ and clients self-assessment of slavery and human trafficking issues, allowing us to better identify slavery and human trafficking issues as they develop over time and to collect supplier and client provided data to track improvement in suppliers and clients attitudes.

6. Training available to staff

This statement is reviewed and agreed by the board, and will be reviewed at regular intervals.

3. Due diligence procedures

We understand that our biggest exposure to Modern Slavery is in our service supply chains in the rear occasions when we have to use a third-party supplier to assist our search. Within these areas, new suppliers and new office sites will be subject to due diligence checks in the form of ethical/compliance audits. Such audits can also be conducted for existing suppliers and office sites. These audits assess compliance with the Global Sourcing Principles and are, amongst other things, intended to identify any Modern Slavery practices. If issues are identified, appropriate investigative and remedial actions will be taken.

6. Training available to staff

A key part of our slavery and human trafficking strategy is to promote cultural change through training.

  • Deliver online training modules on modern slavery to all staff.

  • Run ongoing training and invite clients for their involvement and attend joint training courses

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